月亮 moon 

Look at the night sky! We see a moon. It is not round like a ball. It looks like a little boat. This is when we call it a boat moon. The moon can change. Sometimes it is big and round. Sometimes it is just a piece. The moon is like a night light. It is up in the sky when it is dark. It makes the night a little bright. We can say "goodnight" to the moon.


6. B: Phases are the shapes we see as the moon orbits Earth. 

7. A: Will it become full? 

8. B: Yes, in a few weeks. It gets bigger every night. 

9. A: That's so cool! Does the moon have a name? 

10. B: Yes, each phase has a name. This is a waxing crescent. 

11. A: Wow, I didn't know that. What are the other phases called?

12. B: There are eight phases. After the waxing crescent, it becomes a first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, last quarter, waning crescent, and then a new moon. 

13. A: That's fascinating.What's the importance of understanding moon phases? 

14. B: Understanding moon phases helps us understand our place in the universe. It also helps us keep track of time and seasons. 

15. A: Thanks for explaining that to me. I'll definitely pay more attention to the moon phases from now on.

16. B: You're welcome. It's always fun to learn something new. 

1 A: 看看天空,你看到什麼?

2. B: 我看到了眉月,形狀像微笑。

3. A: 為什麼它不是完整的圓呢?

4. B: 月亮形狀會變化的。會經歷不同變化。

5. A: 什麼是月亮變化階段?

6. B: 月亮變化階段就是我們看到月亮繞地球運行時呈現的形狀。

7. A: 它會變成滿月嗎?

8. B: 是的,幾週後。月亮每晚都會變大些。

9. A: 真酷!月亮有名字嗎?

10. B: 有的,每個階段都有一個名字。這是新月。

11. A: 哇,我不知道。其他的階段叫什麼名字?

12. B: 有八個變化階段。繼眉月之後,會變成上弦月、盈凸月、滿月、虧凸月、下弦月、殘月,然後是新月。

13. A: 真有趣。了解月亮階段的重要性是什麼?

14. B: 了解月亮階段有助於理解我們在宇宙中的位置。也幫助我們追蹤時間和季節。

15. A: 謝謝你的解釋。即日起,我會更加注意月亮變化。

16. B: 不客氣。學到新事物是有趣的。