第23題 Do you like reading? Why or why not? (附答案)

張貼日期:Oct 06, 2013 3:32:2 PM

1. Yes, I really enjoy reading. I find it extremely relaxing. It helps me to forget about my worries for a while.

2. I don't like reading. It is boring. I have to read so much in school that I don't want to do it in my free time.

3. Yes, I do like reading. It is the best way to learn about new things. I especially like reading about history and science.

4. I like reading, but only comic books. I think the artwork makes them more interesting than novels. I have a big collection of comic books.

5. I don't care for reading. If I read for too long, I get headaches and my eyes hurt. Maybe I need glasses or something.