第1題 Where do your grandparents live? (附答案)

1. My grandparents live in Yuanlin. I go to visit them every Sunday. Sometimes I stay with them for a few days. I really like that.

2. My grandparents live with me and my family in Tienwei. It is nice because my parents are very busy, so my grandparents help look after me.

3. My grandparents live in Taipei with my uncle. I don't get to see them very much because they are far away. I wish they lived closer.

4. My grandparents live in Nantou. They have a beautiful house in the mountains there. My family and I go to see them as often as we can.

5. My grandparents live upstairs in our house. I am very close to them. My dad says they spoil me, but I don't think so.